Joey Paz (E-RYT 500, YACEP)

Joey has been a devout practitioner of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since 2008. Practicing daily for many years with Andrew Eppler, Bryce Delbridge, and Jennifer Engleman at Ashtanga Yoga Studio in Oklahoma, he began to travel regularly to India in 2013 to initiate ongoing in-depth study of Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Mantra, and Yoga philosophy with Sri BNS Iyengar, a direct student of T. Krishnamacharya and the world's elder living master in the Ashtanga lineage.

In addition to his E-RYT 500 certification from Andrew Eppler at AYS and the Himalayan Yoga Association of Rishikesh, India; Joey has studied in-depth with a wide array of old school Ashtangis including David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff, Danny Paradise, David Garrigues, Gilad and Miriam Harouvi, Baptiste Marceau, Dominic & Stephanie Corigliano, John Scott, as well as Srivatsa Ramaswami

Beyond asana, Joey is a student of chanting with Yoga history & Sanskrit phonology/pronunciation with Seth Powell of Yogic Studies; and Yoga Darshana with Dr. M.A. Alwar of Maharaja Sanskrit College and his father Dr. Lakshmi Tatachar, founder of the Samskrti Foundation in Melukote, India. Currently, he is immersed in in-depth studies of Yogic chanting with Dr. M.A. Jayashree and Narasimhan of Ananta Research Foundation; and Yogic texts with Dr. Nagaraj Rao and Dr. M.A. Alwar, 2 of Mysore’s top yogic scholars.

In addition to his devoted practice and study, Joey is co-producer of the film “Mysore Yoga Traditions," a groundbreaking documentary that provides an in-depth look at the fabric of Yoga culture in Mysore; and currently co-hosts the annual Mysore Yoga Traditions Retreat and Conference held every year in Mysore- the birthplace of modern yoga.

Feel free to reach out at

Yoga Alliance YACEP Profile:

Education, Certification, & Training: ​

Initiated in-depth yoga practice with Jennifer Engleman, Andrew Eppler, and Bryce Delbridge at Ashtanga Yoga Studio in Norman, Oklahoma.

April 2013:
Initiated in-depth studies in the traditional method of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with Sri BNS Iyengar in Mysore, India.

Dec. 2014- May 2015:
Completed 200-hour YTT with Andrew Eppler at Ashtanga Yoga Studio.

April 2015:
Completed an additional 200-hour training in asana, mudra, mantra, pranyama, and philosophy with Kanchen Mala, Sri BNS Iyengar, Ramesh Shetty, Dr. M.A. Jayashree and M.A. Narasimhan at Krishnamacharr Yoga Shala in Mysore, India.​

April 2016:
Traveled to India with documentary team to co-produce the documentary film "Mysore Yoga Traditions."

Jan 2019:
Completed 500-hour certification in asana, anatomy, philosophy, mantra, yoga therapy, and meditation with the Himalayan Yoga Association in Rishikesh, India.

Feb 2019:
Co-hosted and taught at the Mysore Yoga Traditions Retreat & Conference, assisting Andrew Eppler and Bryce Delbridge in addition to curating the daily lectures by Mysore's top scholars and yogis.

Feb-March 2020:
Co-hosted and taught at the second annual Mysore Yoga Traditions Retreat and Conference in Mysore, India featuring an array of scholars and leaders in the Yoga community of Mysore, India.

Jan. 2022:
Co-hosted and taught at the 3rd annual Mysore Yoga Traditions Conference, continuing the annual tradition in conjunction with Mysore’s top scholars.

May-July 2022:
Ashtanga Therapeutics Europe tour- Traveled and taught in multiple cities throughout Europe with Yoga Therapist Bryce Delbridge

Jan 2023: 2-week in-depth Mysore Immersion with David Garrigues in Kovalam, India

Jan-Feb 2023: Co-hosted and organized the 4th annual Mysore Yoga Conference in Mysore, India, and completed an additional 1 month immersion with Sri BNS Iyengar.

Jan-Feb 2024: Co-hosted and organized the 4th annual Mysore Yoga Conference in Mysore, India, and completed an additional 2-week immersion with Sri BNS Iyengar.

Feb. 2025: Hosted a 2-week Continuing Education YTT with Sr BNS Iyengar in Mysore, India

Feb. 19-26, 2025: Completed a week long immersion with Srivatsa Ramaswami, Krishnamacharya’s longest running student, in Mysore, India

March 15-22, 2025: Completed a week-long immersion with John and Julia Scott at Purple Valley in Goa, India.
